Saturday, December 2, 2017

Let’s talk about you and me, let’s talk about all the contraceptives and babies!

Do you teach contraceptives as part of your curriculum?  How do you approach the topic?  I wanted a lesson that was more than a PowerPoint with pictures and my monotone lecture. I wanted to answer the student’s questions but didn’t know what questions they had.  I wanted the students to be the learner and myself the facilitator, but I didn’t want a research project was disengaging. I went to the “drawing board” several times and dug deep to think of how to design a lesson that was interactive.

Using a variety of teaching strategies I was finally satisfied with a lesson that met my needs and needs of my students.   The Contraceptives – Family Planning lesson is focused on student-driven questions that are asked and presented discreetly.  The lesson includes formative assessments, learning content, student research, a review game, and response activities for re-teaching. This lesson is a nice little package complete with a bow just in time for the holidays when you are looking for something to engage your students.   

Purchase this lesson through my Etsy Shop at  

To receive updates on lesson plans, ideas, and teaching strategies follow my blog!

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