Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Great Deal! How can you use these Tumbling Tower's in your Classroom?

Check out this great deal!  Tonight while shopping I came across these small “Tumbling Tower” games at Dollar Tree!  I instantly began thinking how these would be an awesome addition to the Formative AssessmentTool Kit to be played in small groups.  This game is versatile and can be used in the classroom to engage students in a variety of ways.

1. Review Game. Number the pieces 1-20, create 20 review questions and play!

2. Get to Know Activity. Number the pieces 1-20, use the 20 Questions about You then game on to learn about each other!

3. Vocabulary.  Label the pieces with vocabulary terms or kitchen equipment!

4. True/False.  Write facts about the topic, only pieces that relate count.

5. Want a fun lab?  Add an ingredient to each piece, you get to cook with all the ingredients that you are able to successfully pull out of the tower.

How could you use these in your classroom?

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