Monday, November 27, 2017

CYBER MONDAY - My Career Plan Activity **SPECIAL**

Don’t miss this awesome deal, just for Cyber Monday! The ‘My Career Plan’ activity is a great comprehensive packet to help students work through the career development process.  In the classroom, I distributed this packet to my students at the start of the course.  This minimized the handouts I had to pass out and collect as we worked through the planning process.  An included formative assessment allows students to track their career planning growth.  This is a great tool for students who do not find the process important.  Best of all the download includes a culminating career fair project to showcase their future career choice.  AND you don’t only get this activity but you also receive a copy of the ‘Who’s Career Is It?’ problem-solving activity FREE!

Visit my Etsy Shop at 
to purchase your copy!

Enjoy the holidays and let me do the planning!

Celebrating the Holidays with Career Planning!

Want to add a little holiday cheer to your careers course?  This busy time of year can be hard for everyone to stay focused both students and teachers.  Try these small activities to help keep everyone in the spirit of learning, while keeping the focus on career planning!

Deck the room with education!  Using paint markers let students decorate ornaments with their college choice logo.  These are a great way to add cheer to your classroom or promote your class!

What’s on your career wish list?  In a season of so many wants, ask students to think about their wish list for their future career.  What do they want from their career, what do they wish for?  Is it flexibility or a large yearly bonus?  Download this free holiday printable wish list worksheet by clicking the image.

Now hiring Elves!  I hear there are plenty of jobs in the North this time of year.  Working on job applications? Search for Reindeer or Elf applications on the internet.  Print and have your students apply for a position on the holiday team.  Fun prizes can be given to those who are offered positions such as a cheap elf hat or Rudolph's blinking nose.

Frosty is hiring!  He needs an assistant to help with marketing.  Have students dress the snowman for his/her professional job interview.  Using the free download below print copies of the snowman and allow students to prepare the snowman for his/her big day.

You may also use the download to have students dress the snowman appropriately for their career.  Display the students work to brighten up these winter days.   

What activities do you do this time of year to have fun and continue the career planning season?

Formative Assessment Tool Kit easily Engages & Assesses Student Learning!

Does the word formative assessment bring you anxiety?  Is it just another task you are being asked to do in addition to your multiple preps you have each day, the countless grading, and all the ‘extra’ duties you are responsible for in your building?  In my experience working with educators, these are often the barriers that prevent many educators from implementing formative assessments into their daily lessons. 

Knowing how useful formative assessments can be to student learning I began to ponder how I could support educators to bring these tools to their classroom.  Remembering time is the barrier I knew the tool I created needed to be easily accessible, require little prep time and be universal in design.   It needed to be something a teacher could use during their instruction and not just at the end, when the moment to learn may have passed. I had been there!  I taught a great lesson, I asked students to demonstrate their learning through homework, collected it, graded it, all to realize they didn’t learn.  This data was too late – several days had passed and we were moving on, where would I find the time to reteach?  It was these moments that inspired me to create the formative assessment tool kit.

The tool kit uses a variety of pre-prepared materials to quickly implement formative assessments at ANY time into ANY lesson.  Need a pre-assessment?  Use true/false questions from your text with the myth or fact flags to start your lesson.  Presenting a topic and see students losing interest?  Have the students grab turn and talk cards.  These cards include 5 questions that can be used for any topic.  No time to prep for a class? Ask students to read an article and use the foil stars to mark their reading.  Having the tool kits available allows freedom to quickly choose a variety of activities to easily engage and quickly assess student learning.  This immediate data allows for quick intervention and increased student learning.

I’m now excited to share this awesome tool kit with other educators! Visit my Etsy shop at to purchase an instant digital download that includes a complete supply list to assemble your formative assessment tool kit, printable’s such as the turn and talk cards, and over 50 easy ideas of how to incorporate these tools into the classroom.