Saturday, August 4, 2018

Fundraiser Fatigue?

Do you get Fundraising Fatigue?

Do the words “Fundraiser Fatigue” describe your feelings when thinking about student clubs and/or organizations? The amazing opportunities students are provided through these extra curricula’s are often overshadowed by the door to door sales or hosted events to raise adequate funds. All this can be exhausting in addition to your “day job”. If you can relate to this I would encourage you to pick up a copy of the book “Club Funding Smarter Not Harder” written by Ryan M. Judge.

Judge is a former Family, Career and Community Leaders of America advisor who perfected and eliminated traditional fundraisers. I recently had the pleasure of reading and reviewing his book. The publication is easy to read and outlines how to acquire business sponsorships to fund your club or organizations needs in an effort to reduce teacher burn out, parent frustration, and fundraiser competition within your school.

I appreciated the texts attention to detail, providing helpful insight into a proven model for success. Judge not only provides essential documents for setting up a corporate sponsorship model but also how to begin networking with local businesses to support your program. The book provides all the information and tools you need to maximize your donation dollars with sponsorship levels and ideas on how to give back to your donors. He shares with his readers letter templates to get started along with tips on how to personalize each letter and set up an efficient contact database. Judge's simple to follow process and materials are worth the read for anyone looking to let go of the “fundraiser fatigue” as we begin a new school year.

To help eliminate your fatigue, Judge includes how to incorporate his model into your club or organizations handbook and suggest getting students and parents involved in the process. He shares his best practices for including all members. Involving parents and students can add diversity to the outreach of companies, personalized your approach and lessen the workload of the advisor.

If you are interested in spending more time planning your student’s next learning experience versus a fundraiser check out this book. 

You can purchase “Club Funding Smarter Not Harder” on AmazonBarnes and Noble or by visiting and use the code: SUMMER by September 8th to SAVE $5 on your order!

Do you use business sponsorships to fund your club or organizations events?

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