In a world of student objectives, learning targets, an abundance of assessments, and high teacher accountability do you get to know your students? Lesson plans, emails, and meetings can easily take precedence over the lives of our students. As we begin a new year and new semester it’s important for us to remember to take some time to get to know our students. As there is a wealth of research supporting the dedication of instructional time to “getting to know you” activities.
Just in time for this transitional time in the school year, I’m excited to release my Child Development “Getting to Know YOU” activities in a package! You can now purchase 6 fun and interactive activities in this bundle. Each activity has intentionally been designed to help child development students learn more about their classmates and you learn more about your students.
Below are the activities provided in the bundle, don’t miss this opportunity to get to know your students!
Do you have a photo booth?
Come one, Come ALL to the Carnival! Lots of fun and lots of learning!
Play BINGO using the Child Development Ice Breaker……
Need a laugh? Students will chuckle when they read their babies future birth announcement using this fun fill in the blank game.
Spotlight each student using the “ALL about YOU” poster….
Play 20 Questions, easy setup, and fun!
Introduce an old playground favorite, the cootie catcher as a new social game for learning!
I like to take the first week of my courses to learn more about the attitudes and minds of the students I’ll be teaching the next several weeks. These activities help me better understand my learners and the audience that will anxiously await my lessons each day in the classroom. They help me to design and select appropriate instructional activities, manage the classroom and teach to their learning needs.
Click below to purchase this awesome bundle from my Teaching Success with FCS Etsy Shop for only $6.00 until the end of January!
Child Development "Getting to Know You" Activity Bundle
What do you do to get to know your students?
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