Here is a perfect example. The 2011 film ‘Beyond the Blackboard’ by the Hallmark Channel is a great film related to Early Childhood Education and Teaching Professions. The movie is available for purchase or FREE on YouTube.
Many older films are available on the internet for free viewing allowing you to directly link the movie to your learning management system (ex. Google Classroom) then accompany the link with a movie guide or follow up a quiz for students to complete during e-learning. By doing this you are utilizing any in-person
time focused on concepts that can’t be covered by supplemental materials such
as online textbooks or videos.
To view, the movie trailer click here!
So what does this look like for e-learners?
Ask students to watch the video then chose one of the following activities that will meet the needs of your school/students or give them a choice to differentiate your lesson!
- Complete a quiz reviewing concepts taught/reviewed in the movie.
- Have students respond to reflective questions.
- Meet virtually as a class/group and host a discussion about the movie. (reflective questions could be used to facilitate the discussion)
- Allow students to select a number or questions to complete from a movie guide or assign the entire movie guide.
Many movies are great learning opportunities and can be the perfect fit for
the classroom or e-learning!
Want to use the ‘Beyond the Blackboard’ movie in your classroom or for an e-learning activity? No worries, I've created materials to help students follow along and be reflective. The movie package is now available for purchase at my Etsy Shop or through my Teachers Pay Teachers Store. The download includes a student movie guide, reflective questions, quiz, and answer keys to allow teacher options or student differentiation.
‘Beyond the Blackboard’ Movie Package
Have you used any movies while teaching remotely?
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