Being from small rural America I didn’t know when I entered this profession how many students would not know where their food comes from or how many products are derived from the grain yields of today’s farms! I enjoy sharing these facts with the students....
Did you know that chewing gum is made of field corn?
Click the chart below to learn more about what other items are made from corn.
Image from Iowa State University & National Corn Gowers Association
Did you know one United State's farm feeds about 165 people?
Click the image below to learn more Farm and Food Facts.
Click the image below to learn more Farm and Food Facts.
Image from American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture
In the classroom, I seize the harvest season as an opportunity to teach students about the farm and how food is grown, shipped, and stored in addition to purchased, prepared, and preserved. Since Family & Consumer Science programs outweigh Agriculture programs in today’s education system it is only fair to do our part to educate students using the farm to table platform.
Farm Bureau is a national organization that speaks out on issues of concern for the nation’s farmers and ranchers, rural Americans, and consumers who care about maintaining our nation’s food security. This wonderful organization can help you bring this platform to your classroom. The organization stands to support the nation’s food supply and has created an educational platform to educate everyone on agricultural related topics. This service is provided through “Agriculture in the Classroom.” The website and volunteers offer a wealth of educational resources that can be used in your classrooms.
Check out these examples!
That is not it, there are many more! Go check out their AWESOME "Ag in the Classroom" website and educate your students about our food network.
In addition to the free items provided on the website, the organization has volunteers that will come speak to your students! Reach out to your state program about availability in your area.
Interested in learning more about Ag in the classroom? Check out their annual conference – scholarships are available to help pay for this professional development! Also, follow "Ag in the Classroom" on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter for new resource updates.
Do you have a partnership with your local Farm Bureau organization?
Do you have a partnership with your local Farm Bureau organization?